Charging Post Installation |
End of Sept. 2014 the charging hardware was delivered. I had already dug the trench and laid the conduit from inside the garage to the post beside the driveway. I already had 200 Amp service in the garage.The charger is a Tesla High Power Wall Charger (HPWC) capable of charging at 80A. I also installed a digital electric meter just before the 100A breaker box. This will tell me at a glance of how many Kwh of electricity I used. click on pictures to see a larger view The first charge at home after car delivery. Charging at the Barrie ON Supercharger that just opened end of Jan. 2015. Just purchased ( 2016/01/06 ) a CHAdeMO adapter and trying it out at the PowerStream charger click on thumbnail pictures to see a larger view December 2022 my replacement Gen 2 wall charger failed. Bought a Gen 3 Model. It is only capable of 48 Amps charging. Also got an official Tesla post to replace the wooden post. In April 2023 replaced the white coverplate with a red plate to match the car.
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This site was last updated 2023-11-16